Role of Nitric Oxide in Fibromyalgia

Live Chat with Martin L. Pall, PhD – July 6, 2007: Professor of Biochemistry Explains Mechanisms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia & Suggested Protocol

I think this is a major breakthrough in finding a specific mechanism that isn’t working correctly in people with Fibromyalgia. However, I think there is a big missing piece. What went wrong for this mechanism to break down in the first place? I think the missing piece in conditions like Fibromyalgia has to do with metabolic enzymes. If our enzyme system is not working well, then our body will not be able to break down toxins (viruses, bacteria, chemicals, etc), so they stick around longer and stronger than they would if our enzymes were able to break them down and dispose of them. This, in turn, leads to inflammatory responses which can manifest in a variety of ways.

I would love to hear thoughts out there on how metabolic enzyme pathways play a role in all this. How they become defective, and how to repair them?

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