Drug metabolism: How enzymes interact is important to toxicity and effectiveness.
Enzymes are the key to life. I am certainly not the first to say this, and I won’t be the last. Scientists are finally shifting their focus to study enzymes in more detail. This article discusses not only how important and varied enzymes are, but how important their interaction with each other can be in our health.
Most of the studies to date on enzymes have been about their role in drug metabolism. Different enzymes and different enzymatic actions determine how a person reacts to medicines. This is why people taking the exact same drug, in the same amount can have very different reactions. Metabolic enzymes, as this article states, offers a partial explanation of why some people are more resistant to cancers than others. They also explain why some people can smoke, drink alcohol, eat bad food and never exercise, but still live a relatively long, healthy life; and why some who eat pretty well, and take care of themselves, die sooner. It’s enzymes.
Genetics is mostly to blame for whether or not you get a strong enzymatic system. But lifestyle can help, or hurt. That is why we are all playing Russian roulette when it comes to lifestyle choices. You might have been dealt a very good hand of enzymes and therefore your body will be better able to get rid of a lot of the junk you expose your body to. Or, you could have received a not so strong set a metabolic enzymes, and you have to watch everything you eat, drink and breathe.
That is why living life in moderation is usually the best case scenario. Although this is getting harder to do because cancer-causing chemicals are so evasive in our world today. But this is why I love and follow the belief that eating natural and whole foods is probably one of our best defenses. It is also yummy, when done right.
I am excited about science finally getting more curious and knowledgeable about enzymes. I know they are the key to understanding how the human body stays healthy or succumbs to disease. And hopefully one day, we will be able to correct any deficiencies we were born with, or at least be able to treat a disease already begun with enzymes. Of course, I am sure by then, we will have figured out another way to get sick…