Thyroid-Disrupting Triclosan Jumps Into the Frying Pan | Weight Loss News.
Well the message gets clearer everyday: Man-made chemicals are killing us. Here is more evidence showing how chemicals are endocrine disruptors, specifically in this case, they harm our thyroids. Not only does this affect the health of millions of people, it also plays a role in the obesity epidemic.
It’s going to be really tough to turn this ship around. We are drowning in man-made chemicals and unfortunately, getting rid of them will mean a lot of changes to our convenient lifestyles. But until we clean up our planet, we will continue to get sicker and fatter.
The only other option is to boost our body’s detoxification systems. I believe this is truly our only defense at this point. And I don’t mean a week-long fast. For many of us, who don’t metabolize many of these chemicals (there are a small percent of very lucky people who can metabolize just about everything!), we will need to consistently do things to keep our detox systems working at the level they need to in order to rid the body of these toxins.
There is not a lot of good, scientifically proven techniques yet. But some studies show that natural soy foods (fermented soy, etc) and lots of greens (collard, kale, spinach, seaweed) can help. There are also supplements and detox products that can help, but each person may require something different. So I recommend working with someone who is really up on this.
I think the future in healthcare lies in how to strengthen and boost our detox and metabolic systems. We’ll see….