How heat helps in cancer treatment – Telegraph Blogs.
Many of us in the natural health world have suspected for awhile now that one of the main flaws with modern medicine is that it often suppresses the natural activity of the immune system. Vaccines and antibiotics are great examples of this. This article points out that modern medicine, with its ability to stop all sorts of infections, may inadvertently stop the body from having fevers, which according to this theory, may be helpful in preventing cancer.
There are some scientists in the USA experimenting with giving cervical cancer patients a form of a bacterial infection called Listeria, hoping to ignite the immune system so it will become hyper-vigilant and attack the cancer cells as well. The article also points to some stories recently that show that high heat played a role in making cancers disappear, seemingly overnight.
There are a few cancer clinics that are now employing the use of heat treatments like far-infrared saunas and other forms of hyperthermia to help destroy cancer cells. This may also explain why radiation therapy often puts some cancers into remission.
The bottom line here may be that, once again, our over use of high tech medicine may be impeding our natural abilities to maintain good health.