6 Cancer Causers at Home You Should Get Rid Of – Healthy Holistic LivingHealthy Holistic Living.
I stopped using all artificial scents years ago now and swear that is part of the reason my Fibromyalgia is more manageable (that and a clean diet and certain supplements).
I use essential oils and things like lemons and oranges to create natural scents. You can find lots of natural alternatives online or at natural grocery stores like Whole Foods and Earthfare.
Artificial scents have been linked to increased allergies, asthma attacks, eczema, headaches and even arthritis. Unfortunately, they can be found in so many everyday products, it’s tough to avoid them. But I have found great unscented or natural-scented products out there now like shampoos, soaps, cleaning products, nail polish and air fresheners. Check out my “Favorite Things” on my website for some of my favorites.