H1N1 Deaths Appear To Triple Overnight – ABC News
This article explains that the death toll related to H1N1 has been increased from 1,200 to 4,000. Another headline that falsely alarms us. Read the article in its entirety and you will find out that the number of deaths has not actually gone up, but that the CDC decided to lump deaths from pneumonia into this number based on the assumption that many pneumonia deaths may be caused by the flu. There was no test done to be certain these people ever had the flu. Of course, they may have had the flu, Â or may not , no one will ever know.
I think the main reason so many of us are scared of this new virus is that it seems to be affecting more younger people. Supposedly young, “healthy” children are dying from it. But according to Dr. Gabe Kelen of Johns Hopkins, most of the younger people dying from this flu had underlying health problems and are dying from staph infections. Â Which raises another question: could over- use of antibiotics be playing a role in the deaths from H1N1? Another point that the CDC refuses to address.
So why would the CDC do this? This is just speculation, but maybe they feel a little embarrassed because they estimated that 35,000- 40,000 people could die from the H1N1 “pandemic”. So to save face, they upped the figure. I am not saying the CDC wants more people to die from the flu- of course they don’t. But they are a little worried about losing more credibility. And they should be. It is hard today to trust any of the health groups because we know there is so much corruption in this system. Too much money is invested in our country being sick.
I worry about my family catching the flu. But I have a hard time listening to groups like the CDC scare us into getting a vaccine that I know darn well many of the people in the CDC have a monetary interest in. There is too much evidence indicating that they are exaggerating the dangers of the H1N1 flu. The numbers keep getting manipulated with no real explanation. They are avoiding the studies that show that vaccinated people are not much more protected from the flu than those who are not vaccinated, and they turn their heads on the countless people who have experienced very negative side effects from the vaccine. And they never offer more natural advice that has a ton of studies behind it like taking vitamin D3 and probiotics (both pretty inexpensive ways to protect against the flu).
So for now, I will continue to do preventive things like eat healthy, take some supplements like D3, multi-minerals and probiotics, and hope these will be enough to protect me and my family.